Concentrate on your business

As a small business, your staff need to be free from worrying about technology and concentrate on servicing clients.

Holker’s range of small business services are designed to help you grow your business – and your reputation.

Our services include telephone support, web hosting, remote backups, security and consultancy.

We make working with Holker easy, so you can spend your time on your clients, not on your IT.

Popular solutions for small business

Desktop support

We understand that small businesses have a unique set of requirements different to larger businesses.

Our Help Desk are ready to help your staff through their technology challenges.

Telephony / Voip

Best of breed telephone solution, on site or in the Cloud.

Whether you’re in the office or on the move, always be available to your organisation’s users and colleagues out in the field.

Cyber Essentials

Rest easy by passing the UK Government cyber security programme.

Holker can do the heavy lifting and let you concentrate on providing your valuable services to those who need them.

Explore our other services

Holker can offer small businesses expertise in many areas of technology. Whether you’re looking for help with the latest cloud technologies, security services or managed solutions, Holker can help.

Cloud services

Need hosted servers, improved connectivity, desktop as a service, co-location services and more?

See our range of services backed by Holker’s expertise.


Securing your organisation from cyber crime protects your staff and your valuable services.

Explore our security related solutions and keep safe.

Managed services

Our managed services include Desktop and infrastructure support, print solutions, and managed firewalls.

Let Holker help your mission.

Who can you trust for great IT solutions?

Simple: trust Holker for an open and honest relationship.

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